Wood Duck + Cackling Goose

This afternoon at Reifel the Wood Ducks seemed particularly busy. While you would think it would be getting close to the time to see some ducklings,

Wood Duck
Wood Duck

… they were active in the branches. This pair was in close proximity to a nesting box while providing this nice interaction.

Wood Duck
Wood Duck

Then this male Wood Duck also struck a nice pose while in the trees.

Odd man out today,

Cackling Goose
Cackling Goose

… was this lone Cackling Goose on the trail by the centre display ponds.

On the way home along Westham Island Road,

Brewer's Blackbird
Brewer’s Blackbird

… I stopped briefly for this Brewer’s Blackbird. This is a fairly reliable location to see them.

Northern Saw-whet Owl & Pintail

It was still overcast when I headed out, but the wind was fading and the rain holding off. There was only a handful of people at Reifel. This can be a good thing in terms of it being quiet and a good chance for photography. Unfortunately it was just as quiet on the birding front with the ponds even being devoid of much activity. While walking the east dyke trail I checked in on the usual Northern Saw-whet that is most vulnerable. It was present again this afternoon, but initially had its back to me. Just as I was about to continue it slowly turned around and seemed to be watching the song birds on the trail.

Northern Saw-whet Owl
Northern Saw-whet Owl

This provided a brief opportunity to photograph this little beauty awake and with its eyes open. It then casually turned back around and went back to sleep, with a big thank-you from me of course. The other trails were not turning up much so I checked the inside ponds. The problem being the overcast skies were not providing the right light to generate nice reflective colours on the water.

Northern Pintail
Northern Pintail

The closest I got to what I was looking for was this shot of a Northern Pintail. So, not having much luck finding the right reflections/colours,

Wood Duck
Wood Duck

… you settle for a fun shot like this Wood Duck pair. While these perching ducks are quite at home in the trees, they are equally adept in pillaging the feeders.

Ducks, Swan, Eagles & Songbirds

Figured I would start the afternoon off with a follow-up for the flycatchers I had seen at Reifel the other day. While I was having no luck with that,

Wood Duck
Wood Duck

… I did manage a photo of the first Wood Duck brood to hatch at the sanctuary. En route to my next destination, and in keeping with the nesting theme,

Mute Swan
Mute Swan

… it appears the Mute Swan are nesting in Canoe Pass. And the last nest for the day,

Bald Eagle
Bald Eagle

… one of the Bald Eagle nests with young in the North 40 which was my next stop. Having missed the flycatchers at Reifel, the North 40 is also a good spot for them. I just have not seen any arrive here yet. While checking the trails,

Common Yellowthroat
Common Yellowthroat

… one of the many Common Yellowthroat posed briefly on a branch for me. Then while checking on the Tree Swallow nest what should alight on an old snag?

Western Wood-Pewee
Western Wood-Pewee

A first of year Western Wood-Pewee for the North 40.

Lazuli Bunting
Lazuli Bunting

Of course I could not leave without trying for at least one shot of the Lazuli Bunting.