It seemed to take forever strolling around the North 40 looking for the Lazuli Bunting before getting an indication they were around. After walking both inner and outer trails I finally heard the song I was waiting for. I managed to locate one male in the centre area, but it was sticking to the tree tops and behind branches. Then in an area frequented by them in previous years a different male Lazuli Bunting came in to the top of some bushes.
Unfortunately for me the sun was behind the bird and the lighting was not ideal. It did not stay long before it was off to another tree, then they went quiet and I was unable to locate them again. Three males were reported the other day and I saw two different ones this afternoon.
While trying to relocate the Buntings I did stumble across a small group of Western Tanager. Unable to get any photos, I will just have to hope they stick around for another chance.