After the showers ended and the sun making an appearance, I made my way out to Reifel. I figured I would give the outer ponds one more shot for the Ruff. Alas, it was not to be.
Still present with the Dowitchers though was the Stilt Sandpiper.
This afternoon it was a little closer in to the trail.
What I enjoyed about this photo opportunity was getting a Stilt Sandpiper in breeding plumage. All my other photos are non-breeding plumage or juveniles. While photographing the Stilt Sandpiper,
… a Common Yelowthroat flew in and posed nicely on a bush right beside me.
I managed a few shots and then it was time for it to leave with a parting thanks from me. On my way home I stopped by the Bald Eagle nest on River Rd.
Can you imagine scratching your itch with those?!
After a couple of shots of the Bald Eagle it was time to call it a day.