Figured I would start the afternoon off with a follow-up for the flycatchers I had seen at Reifel the other day. While I was having no luck with that,
… I did manage a photo of the first Wood Duck brood to hatch at the sanctuary. En route to my next destination, and in keeping with the nesting theme,
… it appears the Mute Swan are nesting in Canoe Pass. And the last nest for the day,
… one of the Bald Eagle nests with young in the North 40 which was my next stop. Having missed the flycatchers at Reifel, the North 40 is also a good spot for them. I just have not seen any arrive here yet. While checking the trails,
… one of the many Common Yellowthroat posed briefly on a branch for me. Then while checking on the Tree Swallow nest what should alight on an old snag?
A first of year Western Wood-Pewee for the North 40.
Of course I could not leave without trying for at least one shot of the Lazuli Bunting.