Another sunny, but cool day. On arriving to help out at Reifel the lot was full and it looked like the Sunday crowds were back to normal. While still fairly quiet on the birding front, there were a couple of attractions for the visitors this afternoon.
First up along the east dyke trail were the Great Horned Owls. The local pair were both roosting together in the same tree. Unfortunately there was no way to get them both in the shot. Further along was a Northern Saw-whet Owl. I did not take any photos as it was obstructed by branches, but everyone loves to see the owls and they were the highlight of the day.
Still on the cold side, the ponds still had some thin ice and were fairly empty except for the few thawed portions.
Another beautiful fall afternoon and another good Sunday crowd at Reifel. There were a few birds providing good viewing and getting the attention of visitors including both Great Horned and Barred Owls. Unfortunately they were not in great spots for clear photos. On the outside west dyke the Belted Kingfisher was still active and I saw my first Northern Shrike of the fall. The highlight for me though,
… were the Anna’s Hummingbird.
There were three buzzing around theĀ entrance area and I finally managed a couple of decent shots. While checking the inner ponds,
… some Mallards caught my eye.
Never hurts to spend time with regulars and get both genders of the species.