Northern Shrike

Great weather so far for the Thanksgiving weekend and a good crowd at Reifel this afternoon. The only thing of note from the morning walk were a couple of Northern Shrike along the west dyke. I started my afternoon off along the outside to check for shorebirds and the shrikes.


This lone Killdeer was the only shorebird that was cooperating for photos.

Then about half way along the west dyke I could hear a couple of Northern Shrike. They were creating quite the racket,

Northern Shrike
Northern Shrike

… with one eventually coming to roost in a tree over the trail. While I heard one the other week in Boundary Bay, this is the first Northern Shrike I have seen and photographed this fall.

To finish the afternoon off,


… this Pheasant made a brief appearance at the side of the trail.

Western, Baird’s + Least Sandpipers

Braved the heat and headed out to Boundary Bay for the high tide, which turned out to be not very high at all. I walked the tidal flats between 104 Street and the mansion. Much to my dismay there was not much around at all. At the mansion there were a couple of Lesser Yellowlegs and Least Sandpipers. On my way back there was another small group,


… the larger Killdeer got my attention first.

Western Sandpiper
Western Sandpiper

Then the Western Sandpiper. There were also a couple of Least Sandpiper in this group as well. A little further on,

Baird's Sandpiper
Baird’s Sandpiper

… were two Baird’s Sandpiper foraging amongst the sea weed. Before packing it in,

Least Sandpiper
Least Sandpiper

… another small mixed group of Western and Least Sandpipers landed amongst the pilings. Pretty slim pickings today.

Least, Killdeer & Baird’s

It was overcast and windy, but had a chance to get back out to Boundary Bay before the rain started. At least there were a few shore birds around this afternoon. I did not spot anything out of the ordinary, just the usual suspects for this time of year.

Least Sandpiper
Least Sandpiper

I had some Least Sandpiper work there way toward me,

Least Sandpiper
Least Sandpiper

… and then go by right in front of me. Nice to get the tiny ones this close. But what I was slowly working my way towards were two Killdeer.


I find it can be hit and miss with these birds as to how close they will let you get.


Today they were cooperating and when the two Killdeer got together,


… they started to vocalize and put on a bit of a display.


A pleasant change of pace to have some quality time with these plovers. The last bird mixed in with this group I photographed,

Baird's Sandpiper
Baird’s Sandpiper

… was a Baird’s Sandpiper. Also around this afternoon were Pectoral Sandpipers, Western Sandpiper, Semipalmated Sandpiper, Semipalmated Plovers and Black-bellied Plovers.