Peregrine + Downy

With the sun shining I headed out for a short walk this afternoon. I was checking the Reifel and Alaksen areas for the White-winged Crossbills that have been around. Not having much luck with that,

Peregrine Falcon
Peregrine Falcon

… this Peregrine Falcon provided a brief diversion.

Peregrine Falcon
Peregrine Falcon

It obligingly changed its roosting spot providing this photo facing the camera.

Downy Woodpecker
Downy Woodpecker

Towards the end of my outing, this Downy Woodpecker cooperated for the last shot of the day.

Merganser, Eagle, Owl & Heron

Another winter migrant that has been spotted recently is the Common Redpoll. Good numbers were seen the other day at Reifel, so that is where I headed this afternoon. I started off down the east dyke trail, but no sign of them along there. On a diversion to the blind overlooking Ewan Slough and the Alaksen National Wildlife area,

Hooded Merganser
Hooded Merganser

… this Hooded Merganser was busy trying to position its catch to swallow it. On the far side of the slough,

Bald Eagle
Bald Eagle

… this Bald Eagle was basking in the sun on a log in the water. There were also four Pied-billed Grebe around as well, just not close enough for decent photos.

While continuing my search for the Redpoll along the centre dyke trail,

Barred Owl
Barred Owl

… I came across this Barred Owl roosting in a Birch tree. A favourite spot for it of late, just the first time I have managed to see and photograph it here. I ended up spending a fair bit of time here with my camera set up and showing the owl to other visitors.

It was getting late now and I resigned myself to the fact the Redpoll would have to wait for another day. As a consolation though,

Black-crowned Night-Heron
Black-crowned Night-Heron

… one of the Black-crowned Night-Heron was roosting in the open with the last of the light on my way back to the parking lot.

Juveniles Of A Different Sort

Managed to get to Reifel first thing this morning. Being there before the crowds has its rewards as I was greeted by this at the foot of the east dyke trail.

Great Horned Owl Juvenile
Great Horned Owl Juvenile

A Great Horned Owl juvenile.

Great Horned Owl Juvenile
Great Horned Owl Juvenile

While still not as clean a shot as I would like,

Great Horned Owl Juvenile
Great Horned Owl Juvenile

… it was not as obstructed as the last one I saw and photographed.


A little further along on the Alaksen National Wildlife Area side of the trail,

Coyote Juveniles
Coyote Juveniles

… was a Coyote family.

Coyote Juveniles
Coyote Juveniles

Staying under the trees mostly while they played,

Coyote Juvenile
Coyote Juvenile

… they would make the odd dash out into the open. It was fun being able to watch this family group interact before they eventually moved on.