When I headed out to Reifel to help out on the trails this afternoon it was sunny and there was a good crowd. While not finding much in the first instance,

… I spent time with some Northern Shovelers. Later in the day it started to cloud over with the occasional light shower. To brighten things up a visitor I had spoken to earlier flagged me down and informed he had found a Northern Saw-whet Owl. The owl was tucked away pretty good with lots of branches between it and the camera.

I had to set the camera up low and look up into the overhanging branch. You can see the Northern Saw-whet Owl has a vole in its feet. I spent the next couple of hours set up here showing visitors. As luck would have it and closing time neared, the Saw-whet decided it was time to eat.
I managed to get some video before having to make a dash for the parking lot and five o’clock arrived.