Daylight saving time.
Did you remember to change the clock on your camera along with all the others today?
With the next storm front delayed, it meant there was a slight break in the weather today. Unfortunately it was still fairly windy and on the cool side. Being Sunday, I headed out to Reifel to help on the trails. From a birding perspective, it is still fairly quiet at the sanctuary. Wanting to stay out of the wind, the display ponds provided some waterfowl opportunities.

First up was this male Greater Scaup,

… followed by a female.

Next up were some male Northern Pintails,

… busy strutting their stuff as spring approaches.

Then the smaller male Bufflehead,

… whose head is iridescent in the right light.

The inside sloughs had some Gadwall,

… and Northern Shoveler.
To finish the afternoon off, a couple of portraits.

This female Wood Duck,

… and her male counterpart that were hanging around near the entrance.