Sharp-shinned Hawk

Well it was a little gloomy and wet today, but at least it was just a light rain for the most part. I started off my afternoon at Reifel by checking for the White-throated Sparrow as it had not been seen by the morning walk. I managed to locate it across from where it had been the last several weeks scurrying around under the bramble. While waiting to see if it would pop out for a photo, everything suddenly scattered deeper into the bushes as a Sharp-shinned hawk buzzed by behind me. Initially landing briefly in a tree a ways off, 

Sharp-shinned Hawk
Sharp-shinned Hawk

… it did make its way back roosting in the Cork Oak for a short time. While the sparrows had disappeared, it was a good start to the day to have a few minutes this close with a Sharp-shinned Hawk.

While walking several of the other trails was not producing much activity or photo opportunities, along one of the inside trails

Pied-billed Grebe
Pied-billed Grebe

… the Pied-billed Grebe was still providing some good looks.

The last highlight of the day was just off the east dyke trail.


A pair of Bushtits were busy building a nest.

Perhaps a sign that spring is finally on the way.


With the arrival of spring each year there is something I always try to photograph. One of natures many little marvels, the Bushtit nest. These intricate woven nests of spider webs, lichen, moss and other plants always fascinate me. One reliable area over the years for getting photos has been the South Arm Marshes.


I was fortunate to get a pair of Bushtit active at a nest this afternoon. Here the female is arriving with some moss.


Once finished inside she pauses briefly at the entrance before leaving to gather some more nesting material. Only took a few shots, but I was happy with these.

Bushtit, Savannah & Swallow

A little windy, but still nice when I headed out for a walk late this afternoon. While doing my first loop through the North 40 I heard a Bullock’s Oriole. While trying to locate it,


… I got sidetracked by a flock of Bushtits busy foraging for insects. Then while checking some of the tree lines along the north side,

Savannah Sparrow
Savannah Sparrow

… I managed to get this Savannah Sparrow as it took off. Still not having any luck locating or photographing the Bullock’s Oriole,

Tree Swallow
Tree Swallow

… this Tree Swallow did cooperate landing atop an old snag briefly.