Well it was a little gloomy and wet today, but at least it was just a light rain for the most part. I started off my afternoon at Reifel by checking for the White-throated Sparrow as it had not been seen by the morning walk. I managed to locate it across from where it had been the last several weeks scurrying around under the bramble. While waiting to see if it would pop out for a photo, everything suddenly scattered deeper into the bushes as a Sharp-shinned hawk buzzed by behind me. Initially landing briefly in a tree a ways off,
… it did make its way back roosting in the Cork Oak for a short time. While the sparrows had disappeared, it was a good start to the day to have a few minutes this close with a Sharp-shinned Hawk.
While walking several of the other trails was not producing much activity or photo opportunities, along one of the inside trails
… the Pied-billed Grebe was still providing some good looks.
The last highlight of the day was just off the east dyke trail.
A pair of Bushtits were busy building a nest.
Perhaps a sign that spring is finally on the way.