Coot, Phalarope, Cowbird & Merlin

Another Sunday afternoon at Reifel. The juvenile American Coot from last week was still present today. Only this time,

American Coot
American Coot

… it was less wary of people and allowed for a closer shot. A couple of weeks ago it was some juvenile Wilson’s Phalarope that made an early appearance.

Red-necked Phalarope
Red-necked Phalarope

This afternoon it was the first Red-necked Phalarope. Along with the Dowitchers and Yelllowlegs, there was also five Pectoral Sandpipers. On my way back along the east dyke trail,

Brown-headed Cowbird
Brown-headed Cowbird

… there was this lone juvenile Brown-headed Cowbird. And the bonus bird of the day at the foot of the trail,


… was this Merlin. It had just finished eating and was being harassed by the song birds in the area.

Coot & Goldfinch

Not surprisingly the parking lot had room to spare when I arrived to volunteer at Reifel this afternoon. The wonderful weather is likely keeping people occupied elsewhere. While still fairly quiet on the birding front, there were a couple of things to keep me occupied. First up in the west field,

American Coot
American Coot

… was this juvenile American Coot.

American Wigeon & American Coot
American Wigeon & American Coot

Seen here interacting with an American Wigeon. I am used to seeing adult plumaged American Coot around here, seeing this juvenile was a nice change of pace. Up next along the outer dyke trail,

American Goldfinch
American Goldfinch

… were some American Goldfinch. The goal at this time of year is to get them feeding on the thistle as in the following series of shots.

American Goldfinch
American Goldfinch
American Goldfinch
American Goldfinch
American Goldfinch
American Goldfinch

Even though there were not that many visitors today,

American Goldfinch
American Goldfinch

… they all seemed to be going by this particular spot while I was photographing the American Goldfinch. Fortunately the birds kept coming back long enough to get these shots.

Also in the west field, along with the Dowitchers and Yellowlegs, were four Pectoral Sandpipers. Time to get ready for my favourite time of year, the fall shore bird migration.

Mallards, Coots & Northern Pintail

With the cooler weather I spent a little time this afternoon watching and photographing some of the waterfowl on the frozen ponds. Not too many birds around on the ice, but a few opportunities did present themselves. I started off with some Mallards,


…followed by American Coot,

American Coot
American Coot
American Coot
American Coot

… and finishing off with a couple of Northern Pintails.

Northern Pintail
Northern Pintail
Northern Pintail
Northern Pintail