Prior to getting to my to-do list for the afternoon I was checking a few things online. One of which was the BC Bird Alert site (Vancouver and area section) and noted that a Great Egret had been reported at Reifel. So much for the to-do list and I packed up my gear and headed out.
On arriving I learned the bird was still present in Robertson Slough, the one adjacent to the driveway. It had first been spotted in the house pond in the sanctuary and then moved to the slough. As visibility of portions of the slough along the driveway are obstructed by trees and bushes, it took a couple of passes and some help from Kathleen, the manager, to find it.

It was tucked in along the far bank of the slough foraging for fish.

It would routinely move to different locations and provided the opportunity for this flight shot.

We do not see a lot of them in this area and the last time I saw a Great Egret at the sanctuary was Sep/Oct 2015. There has also been another recent sighting it Langley.